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We are seeking to worship God—He desires and as Jesus declared: "In spirit and in truth."

[ John 4:24 ]


The purpose of the Church shall be to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ, in love, by word and deed to the world; to promote the spiritual and social welfare of its members and of the community; to uphold the authority of the Holy Bible as the inspired Word of God.


  • We are a non-denominational, locally autonomous, Christ-centered, faith-based full gospel assembly of believers. Our sincere desire is to glorify God in all things.

  • We are an independent, locally autonomous, body of believers with our own corporation.

  • We encourage each one to share in the ministry as directed by the Holy Spirit. To us, ministry is service; an expression of the working of the Holy Spirit to expand the Kingdom of God within us and through us.

  • The leadership of our assembly is the Church Council. The Council is comprised of appointed members of the assembly and is chaired by the Pastor, who is considered the presiding elder of the Church. While all aspects of church functions are open for ideas and suggestions, the actual decision-making process is done primarily by the Church Council.

  • Our services provide expressive worship, inspired preaching, and teaching the word of God, with opportunity for body ministry. 

  • We emphasize Bible study and encourage participation in outreach ministries.

  • Children and teens are important to us. We invite all to attend classes, special activities, and functions for their benefit. 

We desire to honor God by keeping the

"great commandments" and practicing the"great commission".



  • 1.  The Bible, as originally inspired, to be the infallible Word of God.

  • 2.  In God, the Father, as Supreme, Eternal, Omniscient, Omnipresent and Omnipotent.

  • 3.  That Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God, the express image of the invisible  God; we believe in His deity, His virgin birth, His sinless life, His vicarious and atoning death, His bodily resurrection, His ascension, His perpetual intercession and in His imminent personal return.

  • 4.  That the Holy Spirit is not a separate being or entity, but the very life and presence of the Father proceeding through the Son; the Spirit of Truth and promised Comforter.

  • 5.  In the baptism of the Holy Spirit, the promise of the Father, as a definite spiritual experience separate from salvation; and in it's sanctifying power which enables believers to live in holiness before God.

  • 6.  In the gifts of the Holy Spirit for all to profit.

  • 7.  That the Lord has commanded His people to be seekers of Truth; to "come out" of traditional unscriptural teachings and to "come in" to scriptural truth.

  • 8.  In water baptism, by immersion, in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sin.

  • 9.  In obedience to the commandments of God, including the fourth commandment, "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy...";  That the Sabbath is to be observed from Friday evening until Saturday evening.

  • 10.  In the unconscious state of the dead; that the righteous dead are "asleep in Jesus".

  • 11.  In the resurrection of the dead; both the just to life and the unjust to eternal destruction.

  • 12.  In the abstinence from the celebration of holidays with origins in pagan worship.

  • 13.  That all manner of sexual immorality, i.e., fornication, incest, adultery, homosexuality, and bestiality is forbidden by scripture.

  • 14.  That abortion is forbidden by the Word of God.

  • 15.  In the right of every believer to have a personal relationship with God; that we are invited and commanded to address Him directly in prayer, praise, and worship. 

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New Life Church
of God Seventh Day

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7405 Vickery Avenue East

Tacoma, WA 98443


501 (C) 3 registered

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